Die weltweit erste CD-Compilation “Power Of Music” mit 12 Künstler ist jetzt erhältlich. Die Schweizer Songschreiber, Musiker und Sänger setzen sich mit ihren eigenen Talenten, Aufnahmen und Texten freiwillig mit Herzblut ein für Freiheit, Liebe, freien Willen, Schutz der Kinder, Erhaltung der Menschheit aller unserer Schwester und Brüder weltweit. Let’s Stand Together mit the loving Power Of Music. Mit dabei sind auch die beiden internationalen Radiosingles von Jessy Howe feat. Valentina Velkova , “I Am Love” und der Song “Cybernetic Porkypine” von Vikings Of Blues (Jessy Howe & Javier Vargas).

Promo Clip und Info: www.powerofmusic.ch – get your hand signed CD donate now:  https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jessyhowesinger

I Am Love! New single out now!

The new single “I Am Love” by Jessy Howe featuring Bulgarian violoncello player Valentina Velkova is out now on all streaming, download platforms & can be enjoyed listening to on international web radios promoted with CJC Promotions Catherine by J. Cambbell:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3u9eR0N9LckYBjTkhme6lK

ITunes: https://music.apple.com/ch/album/i-am-love-feat-valentina-velkova-cello/1589853003?i=1589853004&l=en

Donate & download: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jessyhowesinger

Enjoy the wonderful music video “I Am Love” by filmer Martin Jünemann, https://www.smart-motion.ch,

Jessy Howe & Co live at Dolder Bad Zürich

Danke an Vito Fontana von Web TV Züri https://www.facebook.com/jamedia2020 für den film und and DJ Zoë B für die Vermittlung! Lots of fun in the sun! Enjoy any event show with Jessy Howe & Co: Chris Muzik guitars, Géza Burghardt bass, Dave Kohler Keys, Kaspar Rast drums, Lubo Kopka technics, sound, lights, Jessy Howe singer!

New single: Song For Us

New single “Song For Us” out now! Written by Jessy Howe for a couple who wanted their own wedding anniversary present in form of a handmade song. “I am romantic and I believe in love and especially the love between a woman and a man. To see soulmates happy together makes me happy too. So I have started to write songs for couples. This one is called “Song For Us”. And to those who are going through rocky times. Play this song and dance together.. May it transform all your wounds, may the love help you create new energy and may your love and hearts grow stronger and fill you with even more joy!” A big thank you to fanta guitarist Chris Muzik (chris@theraveners.com) for the wonderful production and mix!!! Thank you to my cousin Thomas Holyoak for designing the cover!! Also special thank you to Catherine J Campbell of CJC Promotions from Scotland for spreading the my new single on international and independent radio stations! Pay the amount you wish and I will send you the song as download. Thank you!: https://www.paypal.me/jessyhowesinger